Sermon Archive (Page 3)

For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake. For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. – 2 Corinthians 4:5-6

Contentment vs Compromise

Pastor Terry concludes the series through Revelation 2-3 on the subject of the 7 churches looking at the church of the Laodiceans. In this passage of Revelation 3:14-22, we can see the following aspects:

Quality vs Quantity

The Church at Philadelphia was addressed by the Spirit in Revelation 3 and was noted for the Quality of their work, even though their Quantity was wanting. Listen to Pastor Terry as he preaches this truth that is important for us to do the work that God has called us to do.

Works of the Flesh vs Fruit of the Spirit

There is a battle that takes place every day of our lives. The battle between the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 5:17 tells us that the flesh and the Spirit are contrary against each other. It is important then that we die to the flesh daily so that we can walk in the Spirit. If we decide to walk in the Spirit then we will not be able to fulfill the lust of the…

Proclaiming Praise to God

Listen as Bro. Nick Wright preaches through Psalm 92. It is a good thing to bring praise to God for he surely has been good to us. We can praise him with not just our words but also through our singing and with music. We should not just praise Him, but also offer Him our thanksgiving. If we plant ourselves in the courts of God bringing Him our praise, we will flourish with a close walk with Him. We should…

Passion vs. Permissiveness

Looing at the church of Thyatira in Revelation 2, Pastor Terry continues preaching through this passage taking an expository look at each church and how the truths apply to our own church and daily lives. Here we find a church that was doing a lot of works, and was passionate in their service for God, however, they allowed permissiveness to creep in among their church through a woman with the spirit of Jezebel.