Sermons from November 2024

Proclaiming Praise to God
Listen as Bro. Nick Wright preaches through Psalm 92. It is a good thing to bring praise to God for he surely has been good to us. We can praise him with not just our words but also through our singing and with music. We should not just praise Him, but also offer Him our thanksgiving. If we plant ourselves in the courts of God bringing Him our praise, we will flourish with a close walk with Him. We should…

Passion vs. Permissiveness
Looing at the church of Thyatira in Revelation 2, Pastor Terry continues preaching through this passage taking an expository look at each church and how the truths apply to our own church and daily lives. Here we find a church that was doing a lot of works, and was passionate in their service for God, however, they allowed permissiveness to creep in among their church through a woman with the spirit of Jezebel.

The Benediction
Concluding the Exposition of James, Pastor Terry LeQuieu preaches on the many aspects of prayer and benediction seen in James 5. As you listen here is a quick outline that may help as you go back and study this passage.

Loyalty vs. Liberty
Listen as Pastor Terry continues the series looking at the 7 churches mentioned in Revelation 2. In this message, pastor focuses on the church in Pergamos how that they were loyal in face of persecution, but they allowed their liberty to be their downfall.

Is God Enough For You
Pastor LeQuieu preaches out of Genesis 15 where God promised Abraham to be his shield and exceeding great reward. Right after this promise, Abraham responds with, “what wilt thou give me?” God wants to be our everything, but we must make the choice to allow God to be our everything. While our desire may be a righteous desire, it is a sin when we put our desires above God himself. In this message Pastor Terry expounds upon the following points:…

Vanuatu Ministry Update
Cornerstone has been a faithful supporter of the Mead family to Vanuatu since 2011. Over the last decade, and longer, God has been using his family to share the Gospel cross culturally. May this update be an encouragement to you as Bro. Matthew shares the challenges and personal growth he has experienced as well.

The Needfulness of Patience
In James 4 & 5, Pastor Terry LeQuieu preaches on different attitudes that may consume us as Christians. Throughout these outlooks on our life and looking forward to the coming of Christ, we need to most importantly have patience, or longsuffering which is a fruit of the Spirit.

Faithfulness Overcoming Fear
Listen as Pastor Terry LeQuieu preaches through the churches in Revelation that Jesus addressed. We learned that Fear is a natural element that we all face. We need to apply the truth of Faithfulness to overcome the fear that we face. What fear is it that you are facing?

A Soldier for Jesus
As we honor our veterans in recognition of Veterans Day tomorrow (Nov. 11th), Pastor Terry LeQuieu preaches on what kind of Soldier we all should be for our Lord and Savior.

The Corruption of the Flesh
Listen as Pastor Terry preaches from James 4 about prayer. The corruption of our flesh hinders our prayers. In this sermon you will find: How is your prayer life?

The Church at Ephesus
Pastor Terry begins a 7 sermon series through the 7 Churches in Revelations. These were actual churches, but the application applies to churches in every age. Have we left our first love?
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