Sermons by Dr. Terry LeQuieu (Page 4)

Character of Our True Belief

Continuing the study through the book of James, Pastor Terry preaches on how we demonstrate our faith through our works. Listen and let these truths be an encouragement to you as you live out our faith. How should we treat people? Is your faith dead?

The Purpose of Pain

When I am weak, then am I strong – 2 Corinthians 12:10 We all have pain in our life. Paul dealt with a “thorn in his flesh” and asked God to remove it on three different occasions. This pain caused great suffering, but Paul realized what this pain brought in his life. Listen to Pastor LeQuieu as he preaches what does pain bring in our life.

The Formula for How to Have Revival

We are in need of revival in our country, in our churches, and in our families, but how do we get this revival? This morning Pastor Terry preached “Why we don’t have revival” and continues this into how we can get revival. God gave Solomon the formula for revival in 2 Chronicles 7. Listen to Pastor Terry as he dives into the context of one of the most famous versus we use for revival and figure out the formula for…

The Fruit of the Church

…desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: – Hebrews 10:25 Churches grow when people grow. The Church is the most powerful organism on the planet (Matthew 28:18). No power can overcome the Church (Isaiah 54:17; Matthew 16:18). Churches die because their members die spiritually. There is no power in the building, the property, the sign, or even the name of our Church. The power and effectiveness of the Church lies in the unified efforts of…

The Act of Service

Closing the Discipleship series, Pastor Terry LeQuieu challenges us to begin our ministry of service. How should we serve as a child of God?


The Bible says, He that winning souls is wise. Listen to Pastor Terry continue the discipleship series on the topic of soulwinning.

The Fulfillment of the Church

…desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: – Hebrews 10:25 Churches grow when people grow. The Church is the most powerful organism on the planet (Matthew 28:18). No power can overcome the Church (Isaiah 54:17; Matthew 16:18). Churches die because their members die spiritually. There is no power in the building, the property, the sign, or even the name of our Church. The power and effectiveness of the Church lies in the unified efforts of…