Sermons by Dr. Terry LeQuieu (Page 4)

A Soldier for Jesus

As we honor our veterans in recognition of Veterans Day tomorrow (Nov. 11th), Pastor Terry LeQuieu preaches on what kind of Soldier we all should be for our Lord and Savior.

The Corruption of the Flesh

Listen as Pastor Terry preaches from James 4 about prayer. The corruption of our flesh hinders our prayers. In this sermon you will find: How is your prayer life?

The Church at Ephesus

Pastor Terry begins a 7 sermon series through the 7 Churches in Revelations. These were actual churches, but the application applies to churches in every age. Have we left our first love?

Love the Nation

Listen as Pastor Terry LeQuieu preaches from Luke 7 on what the Christian’s responsibility should be to their nation.

The Taming of the Tongue

We all struggle with the taming of our tongue. Listen to Pastor Terry as he compares James 3 with the book of Proverbs as we learn how God commands us to control our tongue.

The Lord’s Supper

The second ordinance of the church is the Lord’s supper. Listen as Pastor Terry explains the importance and necessity of partaking of the Lord’s Supper.

Character of Our True Belief

Continuing the study through the book of James, Pastor Terry preaches on how we demonstrate our faith through our works. Listen and let these truths be an encouragement to you as you live out our faith. How should we treat people? Is your faith dead?

The Purpose of Pain

When I am weak, then am I strong – 2 Corinthians 12:10 We all have pain in our life. Paul dealt with a “thorn in his flesh” and asked God to remove it on three different occasions. This pain caused great suffering, but Paul realized what this pain brought in his life. Listen to Pastor LeQuieu as he preaches what does pain bring in our life.