Biblical Pattern of Missions

Biblical Pattern of Missions

In America, we have it into our mindset that a missionary should stay in one place the rest of his life, but that is not the pattern that Jesus laid out in Luke 4.

The pattern of missions is ‘journeys’ not static, but fluid.

In the gospels we see all over Jesus going into every city.

There is no Biblical evidence that anybody was ever called to a static location.

In Acts, we see the apostles going all over the world from place to place. Specifically in Acts 8, we find Philip going from city and city as the Holy Spirit lead him.

“Paus said unto Barnabas, Let us go again and visit our brethren in every city where we have preached the word of the Lord, and see how they do.” – Acts 15:36

As Paul journeyed, he discipled pastors like Titus, and sent forth those men like Titus to find men “in every city” to ordain and continue likewise, as seen in Titus 1.


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