What to Expect

What to Expect

Planning a Visit to Cornerstone Baptist Church

We’re excited that you’re considering visiting Cornerstone Baptist Church! We know that visiting a new church can feel a little intimidating, so we want to help make your first experience with us as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

What to Expect

At Cornerstone Baptist Church, our services are designed to be uplifting, encouraging, and a place where you can feel at home. Whether you’re new to faith, returning after some time away, or simply looking for a new church community, we welcome you with open arms.

Service Times & What the Service is Like

Our Sunday services start at 11:00 and typically last around 60-75 minutes. When you arrive, you’ll be greeted by friendly faces ready to help you feel welcome and find your way around.

Here’s what a typical service looks like:

  • Worship Music: We begin with traditional hymns. Feel free to pick up a hymnal and sing along, we’ll put the hymn number on the monitors to help you follow along if you happen to be running a few minutes late or miss the hymn # announcement.
  • Prayer: Throughout the service, we have moments of prayer where we lift up our church, community, and any needs that are on our hearts.
  • Sermon: Each week, the preacher will share a message that’s rooted in scripture and relevant to everyday life. You can expect the message to be practical and encourage Biblical growth. We encourage you to follow along in your Bible to see the Word of God for yourself, and will also post the Bible verses on the monitors.
  • Closing: We often end with an invitation to reflect on the message, a hymn, and a final prayer.

What Should I Wear?

You’ll find that the majority of our church family will wear more traditional Sunday attire. We do not have a “dress-code” and will not stop anyone from coming to church, however we do ask that you be respectful with your attire and wear clothes that are not revealing and distract others from focusing on the fellowship, worship, and message from the Word of God. As a rule-of-thumb when deciding what to wear, ask if it would be appriopriate if you were standing before an earthly judge in his courtroom, and then contemplate that we are entering into the heavenly courtroom before the almighty God when we assemble together in church with our fellow believers.

Is Childcare Available?

Yes! We have a fantastic children’s ministry that takes place during our service. Our Sunday morning children’s Jr. church and seasonal Wednesday Patch-the-Pirate programs, are designed to engage kids with age-appropriate activities and lessons that help them grow in their faith.

For infants and toddlers (birth – 3 year old), we offer a nursery with dedicated and caring volunteers during every main service (Sun AM, PM & Wed PM), so you can enjoy the service knowing your little ones are in safe hands.

Our staff and volunteers are trained to create a secure, welcoming environment for your children. Children’s Sunday AM classes are located in the south (left most) building, Jr. Church is located in the fellowship hall on the northside (right) of the auditorium, and the Nursery is located beside the lobby connecting the auditorium and fellowship hall.

(Building Map coming soon)

Parking and Accessibility

We have plenty of parking available. Our church is also fully accessible with ramps and seating accommodations for those who may need it.

If you’re coming for the first time, feel free to pull under our drive-through awning and someone will be there to assist you with anything you need, from directions to answering any questions you have.

After the Service

We love to get to know our visitors! After the service, feel free to stick around and chat. Our pastors, staff, and volunteers would be happy to introduce themselves and help you connect with others in the church. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our ministries and events, there will be people available to assist you.

Anything Else?

Here are a few more things to know before you visit:

  • Refreshments: Before and immediately after Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study, refreshments are made available in the fellowship hall. Come early to enjoy a cup of coffee and fellowship. We ask that all refreshments, food, and drinks not be brought into the auditorium to avoid spills and distraction
  • Special Needs: If you or a family member has special needs, please let us know. We are more than happy to accommodate you to make your visit as smooth as possible.

We’re looking forward to meeting you this Sunday! If you have any questions before your visit, feel free to contact us. See you soon!